about ALT JD

Welcome to ALT JD, a microblog about redesigning legal education.


Christopher Corts, MA JD

Professor of Law, Legal Practice at the University of Richmond School of Law. A professional actor and seminary-trained lawyer, Christopher’s mission is to help law students and legal professionals create personally-meaningful careers by connecting the pursuit of sustainable excellence with a larger social purpose. His own purpose is to help #makelawbetter by making 21st Century legal practice more human-centered and humane. On Twitter, Christopher created “Meaningful Practice” to explore happiness, motivation, and meaning in professional life. You can follow him @profcorts. Christopher’s ALT JD posts are signed -CC.

Jeannette Eicks

Director of the Center for Legal Innovation at Vermont Law School and Research Professor of Law, Jeannette teaches an assortment of legal technology and innovation courses. She engages law students in collaborative legal technology and innovation projects with industry partners as well as student-driven lawyer-entrepreneur projects focused on creating triple bottom line companies.  Projects such as Text-a-Lawyer, Pocket Lawyer and VaultEdge had their beginnings in her Building Apps for Social and Environmental Justice course.  She is passionate about alternative J.D. careers and reforming legal education to reflect the modern legal industry. She is @jeicks on twitter and LinkedIn. Jeannette’s ALT JD posts are signed ~ JmE.

Cat Moon, MA JD

Director of Innovation Design at Vanderbilt Law School and Director of the Program on Law and Innovation (PoLI) Institute, Cat teaches law students and practicing legal professionals about using tools, processes, and mindsets of human-centered design, innovation, and technology to improve access to legal services and generally #makelawbetter for all. A practicing lawyer and innovation consultant for 20+ years, and a law school professor for 2+ years, Cat has strong opinions on reimagining the delivery of legal education to meet 21st century needs. She is @inspiredcat on Twitter. Cat’s ALT JD posts are signed -CM.